Yeastie Beasties
Whoa. I think I'm done with science for today. It all started early with a 10 a.m. thesis defense seminar given by my friend Phil. Phil works on the genetic basis of lupus autoimmune disease. Phil talked about lupus for over an hour and a half. It seemed like a long time, but I suppose it wasn't all that lengthy for the summary of six years of work. Then, over lunch I had to catch of an some literature and I spent another hour cramming a ham sandwich into my mouth and a paper about SNARE proteins into my brain. At 3 p.m. the Roy and Galans lab met for our usual Friday meeting and another two hours passed listening to Eric talk about itty bitty molecules no one can see, followed by Gabriel talking about how to use Salmonella as a vaccine. That's right. This is a guy who wants people to voluntarily have Salmonella injected into their bodies to prevent other diseases like the black plague. No one ever said scientists were rational... Anyway, in honor of all this science, today's photo is from a plate of yeast I recently made that I had to scan today in preparation for an upcoming lab meeting. And in honor of my yeastie beasties I now declare that it is time to go to the Immunobiology Department happy hour to drink almost cold beer made with some other very helpful yeasties. I must be careful though, if anyone says anything science-y to me I think my head will explode. Cheers!
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