Thursday, March 10, 2005

So I thought it was about time I started a blog...

Okay everybody (i.e. Mom and Dad and maybe So), here's the deal. I've got me a fancy new (to me) digital camera. I've got a blog and I've got an account at Flickr. I'm not sure what all I can do with these things, but I know that I want you guys to see more of my world here in the wilds of Connecticut. Maybe I'll post pictures that I take as I walk around town, maybe the occasional piece of cool-looking data. I will, if inspired/procrastinating, post tidbits of things going on 'round these parts, like stories of me getting stuck in elevators or teaching undergrads about orgasms - the stuff I do that isn't eating, sleeping and science-ing.

It may seem excessive that I am going to such lengths to show you ordinary minutia. But as the years and months count down to the time that I might actually return to The Bubble, er, I mean the Bay Area, I find that I am preemptively nostalgic about all the different ways that snow falls and the ordered chaos that is my lab bench here in The Haven. I want you all to see me in my element, surrounded by my lab people and my tubes of bacteria, or illegally camped out on my sunny porch grading another stack of midterms. Maybe it will get cheesy, but we'll see how it goes.

The first installement of pix is from my walk to school this morning. It was cold, like 16F (1F with windchill.) I don't think I'll ever be nostalgic about the way my fingers ached when they thawed out...


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