Thursday, March 10, 2005

A Bowl with a View

A Bowl with a View
Originally uploaded by littlee.
Usually Pablo sits up on my shelf, out of harm's way and conveniently holding up a stack of CDs. Sunny, the newest postdoc to join Roy Lab, says that Pablo only wakes up and swims around excitedly when I show up - other random passersby do not elicit so much as the twitch of a fin. He obviously knows who has access to the Beta Bites.
Sometimes I bring him down for a field trip to the window sill where he gets to swim around in the sun for a while and deepen to a nice dark red tan. From the sill of his third floor window, Pablo commands a view of several parking lots, a Greek Orthodox church and a narrow slice of Long Island Sound in the distance, just at the horizon. He seems to like it. After about 15 minutes though, it's back on the shelf. Small bowl + bright sunlight + too long = boiled fish for lunch.


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