April makes me happy.
April makes me happy because it's the month when everyone goes insane. Things turn green, warm breezes begin to replace cold ones and wild horses could not drag my roommate into lab on a sunny Saturday. Actually, Diana does still diligently attend to science on weekends, but she complains of a deep longing to wander slowly through tree-lined parks or sit on the porch drinking Mint Juleps instead.
April also brings the cherry, crab apple and pear tree blossoms. Though I've been in The Haven for four years, this is the first year I made it over to Wooster Square during The Great Blossoming. This year's viewing almost didn't happen either - at 5 o'clock this past Friday evening, my labmate Shira rushed into my bay,
"Quick! Come with me and Uri to Wooster Square to see the trees. It's supposed to start raining in 20 minutes and it's not stopping all weekend. The whole thing will be gone!"
Samples were thrown in the freezer, bleach was squirted at things that needed to die and we were off to see the cherry blossoms. This is how spring affects people around here. Experiments? What experiments? Laundry? Grocery shopping? Bother me not with such dull, daily matters. It's WARM outside. Flowers are BLOOMING. I even got excited last week when I got my first mosquito bite...
April also means my birthday and my birthday means, well, that my driver license is about to expire. I was very crabby about having to actually go to the DMV to renew my license this morning. I seem to recall simply having to mail a check in California, no tedious DMV lines required. But here, the DMV employees like us so much they want to see us and take new pictures every few years. I wasn't ready for my close-up at 8 a.m. and once again, the face staring out me from the surface of my shiny plastic license is looking a little more serial killer-esque than I might prefer.
Jeffrey, a just-turned 16 year old in front of me in line, didn't seem to care that his mug shot wasn't all that flattering. After he was called up to the desk to get his newly-minted card o' freedom, he and his father immediately bent over it, inspecting its holograms and smiling at the enormity of its meaning. My sense of Jeffrey, given his buzz cut, his torn sagging jeans and the sweatshirt hood that obscured his face constantly except for his brief photo-op, is that he's like most 16 year-old boys. He probably normally just greets his dad with a grunt and a sullen expression before loping off to hang with his crew. This morning though, he was too excited to be cool and he didn't seem to mind that his dad actually HUGGED him in front of God and everyone in line at the CT DMV. Ah Jeffrey, just another victim of spring fever.
April also brings the cherry, crab apple and pear tree blossoms. Though I've been in The Haven for four years, this is the first year I made it over to Wooster Square during The Great Blossoming. This year's viewing almost didn't happen either - at 5 o'clock this past Friday evening, my labmate Shira rushed into my bay,
"Quick! Come with me and Uri to Wooster Square to see the trees. It's supposed to start raining in 20 minutes and it's not stopping all weekend. The whole thing will be gone!"
Samples were thrown in the freezer, bleach was squirted at things that needed to die and we were off to see the cherry blossoms. This is how spring affects people around here. Experiments? What experiments? Laundry? Grocery shopping? Bother me not with such dull, daily matters. It's WARM outside. Flowers are BLOOMING. I even got excited last week when I got my first mosquito bite...
April also means my birthday and my birthday means, well, that my driver license is about to expire. I was very crabby about having to actually go to the DMV to renew my license this morning. I seem to recall simply having to mail a check in California, no tedious DMV lines required. But here, the DMV employees like us so much they want to see us and take new pictures every few years. I wasn't ready for my close-up at 8 a.m. and once again, the face staring out me from the surface of my shiny plastic license is looking a little more serial killer-esque than I might prefer.
Jeffrey, a just-turned 16 year old in front of me in line, didn't seem to care that his mug shot wasn't all that flattering. After he was called up to the desk to get his newly-minted card o' freedom, he and his father immediately bent over it, inspecting its holograms and smiling at the enormity of its meaning. My sense of Jeffrey, given his buzz cut, his torn sagging jeans and the sweatshirt hood that obscured his face constantly except for his brief photo-op, is that he's like most 16 year-old boys. He probably normally just greets his dad with a grunt and a sullen expression before loping off to hang with his crew. This morning though, he was too excited to be cool and he didn't seem to mind that his dad actually HUGGED him in front of God and everyone in line at the CT DMV. Ah Jeffrey, just another victim of spring fever.